Experience Annapurna!!!

Today while I was scrolling through my Facebook page I saw advertisement of Buddha air mountain flight from Pokhara to Annapurna range. Mountain flight from Kathmandu to Everest range is not new but this flight from Pokhara is completely new for me. I mean I had never heard about it before.

Fishtail mountain (Mt. Macchapuchere). Image source wikipedia

Anyways, this flight should definitely be on your list if you are travelling to Pokhara.  On this flight you will see Mt. Annapurna, Mt. Dhaulagiri, Mt. Macchapuchhere (Fishtail mountain) Mt. Lamjung and Mt. Manaslu. Total flight duration is 30 minutes. Flight time is between 6 am to 8 am in the morning, and Buddha air guarantees you window seat.

If you want to experience this close encounter mountain flight seeing, than click here to land to offlicial web site of Buddha air where you can book this mountain flight.
